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I never get tired of words, especially not of deep and soulful words from Montevideo.
Talking of beauty let me refer to Henry Miller and his book, Big Sur and The oranges of Hieronymus Bosch, by contemplating Boschs millennium, Henry Miller ask himself what is it makes the oranges tree in the center of Boschs painting among
all these artistic freakish figures so beautiful. As to me, its is because these oranges are simply what they are, oranges, and this makes them perfect, perfctly beautiful.

Thus, Mr. Larrosa,

your lines.
your high flights,
your art work.
Are perfect oranges.
And then there is this melancholia.
Albrecht Durers suesze melancholie,
but also your melancholia Mr. Larrosa
your sweet and strong desire.
A sweet desire which lies heavy on your chest
But which make you to create those perfect oranges.
Mr. Larrosa your Ode to Giordano Bruno which you brought to the canvas is
perfectly beautiful.
thank you for sharing.

C.V: Born in 1974, lives and works in Vienna.